Available for auction is a rare and large set of Porsche Rothmans Racing-themed lamps featuring the iconic logo and livery. Measuring 19" tall and 18" deep, each lamp has a 13" x 13" cap. The frames, bodies, mounting brackets, bases, and gold/copper ornamental brackets are constructed from metal, while the caps are plastic, and the four logo-adorned windows are made from a translucent composite material, possibly plastic or Lexan.
Overall, the seller states the lamps are in excellent condition, with only minor imperfections, including two small cracks on the cap of one lamp and one crack on the cap of the other. Don’t miss your opportunity to own a piece of Rothman’s racing legacy with these unique race-themed lamps.
The buyer is responsible for shipping, shipping insurance, handling, and transactional fees. PCARMARKET is not responsible for anything lost or damaged during shipping.
Comments (35)
Purchased for $2,700
This is a VERY rare opportunity on a VERY rare set of lamps in incredible condition.
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Now, here are some more really up close shots of the incredibly ornate features and hardware.
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That last batch of pictures show the lamps next to what I consider large exterior sconces; the first few show the sconces outside my front door, the second set show the even larger sconce on either side of the garage door. Hopefully this shows folks the extremely large scale that these lamps boast. Here are a few more coming in the same setting. Check them out.
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@MrRdStr @MrRdStr, Yes, pics 151-161 show the access to the standard light bulbs, and 100-104, 114-121, and 146-148 show the electrical wiring. Also, like the other 2 sets, these are European 220v as these were produced EXCLUSIVELY for the European Dealership Market. Everything in this collection is European 220v but can easily and inexpensively be converted to 110. You could also install 220 connectors and run them through a converter into US outlets for a "plug in and admire" application. But to install as proper lamps on a switch in a man cave, display room, office, etc, I'd definitely go the conversion / rewiring route. Thank you for your question.
Good Morning Everyone, Happy Hump Day, and welcome to the last day of our fabulous Rothmans Racing Lamps auction. In a few hours, this amazing collectibles set will hopefully be finding their way into the collection of a lucky new Porsche and Racing enthusiast.
As a couple of members have reached out to inquire and comment, It's also worth mentioning that this lamp set is
a more unique design than the previous 2 that have been on P-car over the past 5 years. Just that they're only the 3rd set EVER to see the light of day (no pun intended) makes them pretty special. But, that they're the ONLY set with this design pushes them into "Unobtanium" territory. This set features the gold decorative "awning" bracket holding the bodies from above. This more sophisticated and elegant design allows much more of the lamp to be seen relative to the other 2 sets where they're mounted from the bottom. It also allows for MUCH EASIER bulb changes and servicing as the access is wide open and unencumbered.
The SCALE is another factor that sets this pair apart. They are noticeably, measurably, and visually larger (by quite a bit) than the last 2 that have come up. Combined with the afore mentioned unique design means that you won't be coming across a set of these ANYTIME SOON.
@skippy30, @AK, Thank you both for your repeat bids.
Believe it or not, I still have plenty of pictures to add to the gallery so I will continue to do so as we approach the end this afternoon. Among the pictures will be a few shots showing the grand scale of these lamps so that folks can get a better idea. Enjoy the added pictures and have a great Wednesday.
Never mind photo #161 shows it all :)
The lights are wired & functioning for standard light bulbs?
Bid in the amount of $1,300
Bid in the amount of $1,200
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Additional content has been added to the gallery for this listing.
Good Afternoon Everyone, Happy Tuesday, and welcome to the 2nd to last day of our Rothmans Racing Lamps auction.
@skippy30, Thank you for the bid.
@AK, thank you for your repeat bids, and you're on top.
Please enjoy today's picture additions and have a great Tuesday.
Bid in the amount of $1,100
Bid in the amount of $1,000
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Good Afternoon everyone, and Happy (Manic) Monday. I hope folks had a relaxing weekend and are settling into their work week without too much hassle.
To help Monday along a little bit and to keep things moving, here is the next batch of Lamp inspection shots. Enjoy the pictures and have a great (Manic) Monday.
Bid in the amount of $800
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Good Afternoon Everyone, and Happy Sunday. I hope folks are enjoying their weekend, and the auction so far.
As our views continue to increase, let's continue our mixed background picture adding with this next batch of shots. Enjoy, and have a great Sunday.
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Good Morning, Happy Saturday, and welcome to another day of our Rothmans Racing Lamps auction.
Here's another batch of great shots of the lamps, some indoors, some outdoors. Enjoy the pictures and have a great Saturday.
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Good Morning, Happy Friday, and welcome to the 2nd full day of our Rothmans Racing Lamps auction. Thanks going out to everyone who's viewed, is watching, and has bid.
In the past week, our weather has finally started turning into what we would call Springtime. The past couple weeks of constant rain have washed off all of the salt, the giant snow mounds at shopping centers are gone, and the last few Christmas light hold outs have finally come down::--))))) Just driving through neighborhoods, you're starting to see car covers come off, some garage space tidying, even a few classics already on the road. It's an exciting time for us Midwesterners. So, wherever you're reading this, I hope it's pleasant, you're getting ready to put in a short work day, or are even just playing hooky all day.
To help your Friday get started off, here's the first batch of those recently taken outdoor shots I mentioned. Enjoy the pictures, and have a great Friday.
Additional content has been added to the gallery for this listing.
Good Morning everyone, Happy Thursday, and welcome to the first FULL day of the auction for this very special set of Rothmans Lamps.
As I mentioned yesterday, If you’re here with us checking out this listing of cool car memorabilia, there’s probably not much more fun you could be having, and we’re happy to have you::–)))))
@Dwjrfish, Thank you for your bid.
@Unbridled2020, Awesome handle, Thanks for your bid, and you're on top.
So, I will now begin an expanded view of the specific views of the lamps with our picture adding process. I'll be alternating different pics on different days, so please don’t be mad if I spread them out over a few posts to keep things interesting::–)))))
Enjoy this first batch of pictures, and have a great Thursday.
Bid in the amount of $600
Bid in the amount of $400
Good Afternoon everyone, Happy Wednesday, Merry March, and welcome to the auction of this Unique, RARE and AMAZING set of Rothmans Racing Lamps. Wow, that’s sure a mouthful!
With Spring Break already happening, it seems like I just finished cleaning up after the holidays. But, with one College kid making a mess this week, and the other coming in next week, I think I'll be picking up if I don't want the house to be a mess:::–))))). I love seeing my kids at home for holidays and vacations, but REALLY love when everybody leaves. I'm sure it will be a quick Spring before the Summer trashing begins again, UGH!
So, to help get you through YOUR Spring Break, there's nothing better than spending some quality time on P-Car checking out cool things like these Porsche Rothmans Lamps. So, whether you’re home for the week, actually vacationing with the family, or just biding time at the office until you “quitting time”, we’re happy to have folks stopping by to check this out.
If you’re looking at this, then you are a Porsche, memorabilia, or racing fan, and probably have a collection that you're looking to add to. You may also be looking at this and thinking that it's about time that you STARTED that memorabilia collection because you've waited long enough. In either case, these SUPER RARE lamps deserve to either be in a great collection, or the centerpiece of a new collection.
The lamps are out of a LOCAL collection that happens to be owned by a long time friend who is a HUGE Porsche guy. For decades, he’s been finding and collecting some of the rarest memorabilia you’ve ever seen; signs, plaques, clocks, crests, die cast models, you name it, he’s got it. His memorabilia collection takes up almost as much room as his car collection; and that’s REALLY saying something. Now, with the kids out of the house, and their rooms displaying some of these collectibles, the realization has set in that he can’t possibly display everything. So, the decision has been made to let some of it go, and here we are.
Over the next 7 days, I’ll be presenting this cool set from every angle. Folks who follow my auctions know that I’ve always got a stash of back up pictures to add in as we go; and this listing is no exception. Obviously, discussing lamps for 7 days isn’t awfully exciting, but I’ll try to keep things as interesting as possible with the discussion as well as the picture adding.
The weather wasn’t great here in Chicago when we took the first set of pictures, so the first batch is all indoors. It's been better recently, so I took advantage and have added some great outdoor shots to the file. The sun really makes the logo and wording pop against the cream backing. I look forward to adding more of these great pictures as we go.
@Bankrep40, @IAMSEMLOH, Thank you for getting us started with your opening bids.
Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Bid in the amount of $200
Bid in the amount of $150
Bid in the amount of $100