Available for auction is a one-of-a-kind original cartoon by the renowned artist Larry Trepel, titled "Small Addendum," which was first published in the June 2022 issue of the prestigious Sports Car Market magazine. Known for his captivating 'Light-Hand Drive' feature in the magazine, Trepel's artistry has graced the pages of numerous esteemed publications, including The New Yorker and National Lampoon.
This exquisite piece measures 9" x 12" and is skillfully rendered on bristol board with pen & ink and watercolor, showcasing the artist's exceptional talent. The artwork is professionally matted and beautifully framed in a stunning silver wood frame, making its overall dimensions 13.5" x 15.5".
To further enhance its collectible value, this original cartoon comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, personally signed by Larry Trepel himself, attesting to its genuine origin. Additionally, as a bonus for the fortunate winner of this auction, a signed copy of the June 2022 issue of Sports Car Market magazine, where the cartoon was originally published, will be included. The buyer is responsible for shipping, handling, and fees.
Comments (9)
Bid in the amount of $400
Bid in the amount of $350
Less than an hour to go, thanks to those who have bid so far, getting close to reserve. Want to mention again that this is an original piece of art, not a print.
Bid in the amount of $300
Bid in the amount of $250
Bid in the amount of $200
Bid in the amount of $150
I'm happy to offer a cartoon that was published in Sports Car Market. I'm not sure I'd call myself "renowned", but I'm at least fairly decent. Want to confirm that this is the original drawing, not an enhanced Giclee print or some other format. One of one. It's not about Porsche either, but Ferraris are also fairly decent. Thank you to all those who bid.
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